Once a site has been identified as an ‘at risk of UXO site’ (usually through a comprehensive Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Desktop Study), EOD Contracts Ltd can offer our clients a UN/IMAS qualified UXO engineer to provide on-site support to all ground works and excavations, whether they are geotechnical, environmental, archaeological or construction related.
Our UN/NATO qualified Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) engineers are on site to check and clear the ground prior to the commencement of works, or in a progressive ‘safe, look ahead’ manner whilst the investigations are undertaken.
Should a suspicious item be discovered, our engineer is on hand to assess the item and take the appropriate actions. Where an item is deemed to be UXO, the engineer will then act as safety officer and liaise with the emergency services until the situation is deemed closed.
All our engineers are equipped with specialist equipment and the process makes use of the industry best practices (CIRIA).
The UXO site engineer can also provide UXO safety briefs to all site personnel and management, thus helping to ensure that works at all levels are carried out in a safe manner.